Human Language: A Boson Gas of Quantum Entangled Cognitons

  • 2019-09-15 17:40:57
  • Diederik Aerts, Lester Beltran
  • 6


We model a piece of text of human language telling a story by means of thequantum structure describing a Bose gas in a temperature close to aBose-Einstein condensate near absolute zero. For this we introduce energylevels for the concepts (words) used in the story and we also introduce the newnotion of 'cogniton' as the quantum of human language. Concepts (words) arethen cognitons in different energy states as it is the case for photons indifferent energy states, states of different frequency radiation, when theconsidered boson gas would be light. We show that Bose-Einstein statisticsdelivers a very good model for these pieces of texts telling stories, as wellfor short stories as for long stories of the size of novels. We analyze anunexpected connection with Zipf's law in human language, the Zipf rankingrelating to the energy levels of the words, and the Bose-Einstein graphcoinciding with the Zipf graph. We investigate the issue of 'identity andindistinguishability' from this new perspective and conjecture that the way onecan easily understand how two 'the same concepts' are 'absolutely identical andindistinguishable' in human language is also the way in which quantum particlesare absolutely identical and indistinguishable in physical reality, providingnew evidence for our conceptuality interpretation of quantum theory.


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