EMPNet: Neural Localisation and Mapping using Embedded Memory Points

  • 2019-07-31 01:04:13
  • Gil Avraham, Yan Zuo, Thanuja Dharmasiri, Tom Drummond
  • 16


Continuously estimating an agent's state space and a representation of itssurroundings has proven vital towards full autonomy. A shared common groundamong systems which successfully achieve this feat is the integration ofpreviously encountered observations into the current state being estimated.This necessitates the use of a memory module for incorporating previouslyvisited states whilst simultaneously offering an internal representation of theobserved environment. In this work we develop a memory module which containsrigidly aligned point-embeddings that represent a coherent scene structureacquired from an RGB-D sequence of observations. The point-embeddings areextracted using modern convolutional neural network architectures, andalignment is performed by computing a dense correspondence matrix between a newobservation and the current embeddings residing in the memory module. The wholeframework is end-to-end trainable, resulting in a recurrent joint optimisationof the point-embeddings contained in the memory. This process amplifies theshared information across states, providing increased robustness and accuracy.We show significant improvement of our method across a set of experimentsperformed on the synthetic VIZDoom environment and a real world Active VisionDataset.


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