Automating concept-drift detection by self-evaluating predictive model degradation

  • 2019-07-18 15:50:37
  • Tania Cerquitelli, Stefano Proto, Francesco Ventura, Daniele Apiletti, Elena Baralis
  • 2


A key aspect of automating predictive machine learning entails the capabilityof properly triggering the update of the trained model. To this aim, suitableautomatic solutions to self-assess the prediction quality and the datadistribution drift between the original training set and the new data have tobe devised. In this paper, we propose a novel methodology to automaticallydetect prediction-quality degradation of machine learning models due toclass-based concept drift, i.e., when new data contains samples that do not fitthe set of class labels known by the currently-trained predictive model.Experiments on synthetic and real-world public datasets show the effectivenessof the proposed methodology in automatically detecting and describing conceptdrift caused by changes in the class-label data distributions.


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