A General Framework for Uncertainty Estimation in Deep Learning

  • 2019-07-18 13:56:53
  • Mattia Segù, Antonio Loquercio, Davide Scaramuzza
  • 0


End-to-end learning has recently emerged as a promising technique to tacklethe problem of autonomous driving. Existing works show that learning anavigation policy from raw sensor data may reduce the system's reliance onexternal sensing systems, (e.g. GPS), and/or outperform traditional methodsbased on state estimation and planning. However, existing end-to-end methodsgenerally trade off performance for safety, hindering their diffusion toreal-life applications. For example, when confronted with an input which isradically different from the training data, end-to-end autonomous drivingsystems are likely to fail, compromising the safety of the vehicle. To detectsuch failure cases, this work proposes a general framework for uncertaintyestimation which enables a policy trained end-to-end to predict not only actioncommands, but also a confidence about its own predictions. In contrast toprevious works, our framework can be applied to any existing neural network andtask, without the need to change the network's architecture or loss, or totrain the network. In order to do so, we generate confidence levels by forwardpropagation of input and model uncertainties using Bayesian inference. We testour framework on the task of steering angle regression for an autonomous car,and compare our approach to existing methods with both qualitative andquantitative results on a real dataset. Finally, we show an interestingby-product of our framework: robustness against adversarial attacks.


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