Neural or Statistical: An Empirical Study on Language Models for Chinese Input Recommendation on Mobile

  • 2019-07-09 04:39:24
  • Hainan Zhang, Yanyan Lan, Jiafeng Guo, Jun Xu, Xueqi Cheng
  • 7


Chinese input recommendation plays an important role in alleviating humancost in typing Chinese words, especially in the scenario of mobileapplications. The fundamental problem is to predict the conditional probabilityof the next word given the sequence of previous words. Therefore, statisticallanguage models, i.e.~n-grams based models, have been extensively used on thistask in real application. However, the characteristics of extremely differenttyping behaviors usually lead to serious sparsity problem, even n-gram withsmoothing will fail. A reasonable approach to tackle this problem is to use therecently proposed neural models, such as probabilistic neural language model,recurrent neural network and word2vec. They can leverage more semanticallysimilar words for estimating the probability. However, there is no conclusionon which approach of the two will work better in real application. In thispaper, we conduct an extensive empirical study to show the differences betweenstatistical and neural language models. The experimental results show that thetwo different approach have individual advantages, and a hybrid approach willbring a significant improvement.


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