Fully Convolutional Networks for Handwriting Recognition

  • 2019-07-10 18:54:27
  • Felipe Petroski Such, Dheeraj Peri, Frank Brockler, Paul Hutkowski, Raymond Ptucha
  • 17


Handwritten text recognition is challenging because of the virtually infiniteways a human can write the same message. Our fully convolutional handwritingmodel takes in a handwriting sample of unknown length and outputs an arbitrarystream of symbols. Our dual stream architecture uses both local and globalcontext and mitigates the need for heavy preprocessing steps such as symbolalignment correction as well as complex post processing steps such asconnectionist temporal classification, dictionary matching or language models.Using over 100 unique symbols, our model is agnostic to Latin-based languages,and is shown to be quite competitive with state of the art dictionary basedmethods on the popular IAM and RIMES datasets. When a dictionary is known, wefurther allow a probabilistic character error rate to correct errant wordblocks. Finally, we introduce an attention based mechanism which canautomatically target variants of handwriting, such as slant, stroke width, ornoise.


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