Modernizing Historical Documents: a User Study

  • 2019-07-01 11:13:19
  • Miguel Domingo, Francisco Casacuberta
  • 1


Accessibility to historical documents is mostly limited to scholars. This isdue to the language barrier inherent in human language and the linguisticproperties of these documents. Given a historical document, modernization aimsto generate a new version of it, written in the modern version of thedocument's language. Its goal is to tackle the language barrier, decreasing thecomprehension difficulty and making historical documents accessible to abroader audience. In this work, we proposed a new neural machine translationapproach that profits from modern documents to enrich its systems. We testedthis approach with both automatic and human evaluation, and conducted a userstudy. Results showed that modernization is successfully reaching its goal,although it still has room for improvement.


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