Fine-tuning of Language Models with Discriminator

  • 2019-01-15 05:09:22
  • Vadim Popov, Mikhail Kudinov
  • 0


Cross-entropy loss is a common choice when it comes to multiclassclassification tasks and language modeling in particular. Minimizing this lossresults in language models of very good quality. We show that it is possible tofine-tune these models and make them perform even better if they are fine-tunedwith sum of cross-entropy loss and reverse Kullback-Leibler divergence. Thelatter is estimated using discriminator network that we train in advance.During fine-tuning probabilities of rare words that are usually underestimatedby language models become bigger. The novel approach that we propose allows usto reach state-of-the-art quality on Penn Treebank: perplexity decreases from52.4 to 52.1. Our fine-tuning algorithm is rather fast, scales well todifferent architectures and datasets and requires almost no hyperparametertuning: the only hyperparameter that needs to be tuned is learning rate.


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