Grey matter sublayer thickness estimation in themouse cerebellum

  • 2019-01-08 20:23:24
  • Da Ma, Manuel J. Cardoso, Maria A. Zuluaga, Marc Modat, Nick. Powell, Frances Wiseman, Victor Tybulewicz, Elizabeth Fisher, Mark. F. Lythgoe, Sebastien Ourselin
  • 20


The cerebellar grey matter morphology is an important feature to studyneurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease or Down's syndrome. Itsvolume or thickness is commonly used as a surrogate imaging biomarker for suchdiseases. Most studies about grey matter thickness estimation focused on thecortex, and little attention has been drawn on the morphology of thecerebellum. Using ex vivo high-resolution MRI, it is now possible to visualisethe different cell layers in the mouse cerebellum. In this work, we introduce aframework to extract the Purkinje layer within the grey matter, enabling theestimation of the thickness of the cerebellar grey matter, the granular layerand molecular layer from gadolinium-enhanced ex vivo mouse brain MRI.Application to mouse model of Down's syndrome found reduced cortical and layerthicknesses in the transchromosomic group.


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