The existing segment routing (SR) methods need to determine the routing firstand then use path segmentation approaches to select swap nodes to form asegment routing path (SRP). They require re-segmentation of the path when therouting changes. Furthermore, they do not consider the flow table issuancetime, which cannot maximize the speed of issuance flow table. To address theseissues, this paper establishes an optimization model that can simultaneouslyform routing strategies and path segmentation strategies for selecting theappropriate swap nodes to reduce flow table issuance time. It also designs anintelligent segment routing algorithm based on deep reinforcement learning(DRL-SR) to solve the proposed model. First, a traffic matrix is designed asthe state space for the deep reinforcement learning agent; this matrix includesmultiple QoS performance indicators, flow table issuance time overhead and SRlabel stack depth. Second, the action selection strategy and correspondingreward function are designed, where the agent selects the next node consideringthe routing; in addition, the action selection strategy whether the newly addednode is selected as the swap node and the corresponding reward function aredesigned considering the time cost factor for the controller to issue the flowtable to the swap node. Finally, a series of experiments and their results showthat, compared with the existing methods, the designed segmented routeoptimization model and the intelligent solution algorithm (DRL-SR) can reducethe time overhead required to complete the segmented route establishment taskwhile optimizing performance metrics such as throughput, delays and packetlosses.