Plausibility Vaccine: Injecting LLM Knowledge for Event Plausibility

  • 2025-03-16 22:55:17
  • Jacob Chmura, Jonah Dauvet, Sebastian Sabry
  • 0


Despite advances in language modelling, distributional methods that buildsemantic representations from co-occurrences fail to discriminate betweenplausible and implausible events. In this work, we investigate how plausibilityprediction can be improved by injecting latent knowledge prompted from largelanguage models using parameter-efficient fine-tuning. We train 12 taskadapters to learn various physical properties and association measures andperform adapter fusion to compose latent semantic knowledge from each task ontop of pre-trained AlBERT embeddings. We automate auxiliary task datageneration, which enables us to scale our approach and fine-tune our learnedrepresentations across two plausibility datasets. Our code is available at


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