From Generative AI to Innovative AI: An Evolutionary Roadmap

  • 2025-03-14 15:03:28
  • Seyed Mahmoud Sajjadi Mohammadabadi
  • 0


This paper explores the critical transition from Generative ArtificialIntelligence (GenAI) to Innovative Artificial Intelligence (InAI). While recentadvancements in GenAI have enabled systems to produce high-quality contentacross various domains, these models often lack the capacity for trueinnovation. In this context, innovation is defined as the ability to generatenovel and useful outputs that go beyond mere replication of learned data. Thepaper examines this shift and proposes a roadmap for developing AI systems thatcan generate content and engage in autonomous problem-solving and creativeideation. The work provides both theoretical insights and practical strategiesfor advancing AI to a stage where it can genuinely innovate, contributingmeaningfully to science, technology, and the arts.


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