Evaluating Reinforcement Learning Safety and Trustworthiness in Cyber-Physical Systems

  • 2025-03-12 14:33:07
  • Katherine Dearstyne, Pedro, Alarcon Granadeno, Theodore Chambers, Jane Cleland-Huang
  • 0


Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) often leverage Reinforcement Learning (RL)techniques to adapt dynamically to changing environments and optimizeperformance. However, it is challenging to construct safety cases for RLcomponents. We therefore propose the SAFE-RL (Safety and AccountabilityFramework for Evaluating Reinforcement Learning) for supporting thedevelopment, validation, and safe deployment of RL-based CPS. We adopt a designscience approach to construct the framework and demonstrate its use in three RLapplications in small Uncrewed Aerial systems (sUAS)


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