Reinforcement-learned locomotion enables legged robots to perform highlydynamic motions but often accompanies time-consuming manual tuning of jointstiffness. This paper introduces a novel control paradigm that integratesvariable stiffness into the action space alongside joint positions, enablinggrouped stiffness control such as per-joint stiffness (PJS), per-leg stiffness(PLS) and hybrid joint-leg stiffness (HJLS). We show that variable stiffnesspolicies, with grouping in per-leg stiffness (PLS), outperform position-basedcontrol in velocity tracking and push recovery. In contrast, HJLS excels inenergy efficiency. Furthermore, our method showcases robust walking behaviouron diverse outdoor terrains by sim-to-real transfer, although the policy issorely trained on a flat floor. Our approach simplifies design by eliminatingper-joint stiffness tuning while keeping competitive results with variousmetrics.