DiffRenderGAN: Addressing Training Data Scarcity in Deep Segmentation Networks for Quantitative Nanomaterial Analysis through Differentiable Rendering and Generative Modelling

  • 2025-02-13 16:41:44
  • Dennis Possart, Leonid Mill, Florian Vollnhals, Tor Hildebrand, Peter Suter, Mathis Hoffmann, Jonas Utz, Daniel Augsburger, Mareike Thies, Mingxuan Wu, Fabian Wagner, George Sarau, Silke Christiansen, Katharina Breininger
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Nanomaterials exhibit distinctive properties governed by parameters such assize, shape, and surface characteristics, which critically influence theirapplications and interactions across technological, biological, andenvironmental contexts. Accurate quantification and understanding of thesematerials are essential for advancing research and innovation. In this regard,deep learning segmentation networks have emerged as powerful tools that enableautomated insights and replace subjective methods with precise quantitativeanalysis. However, their efficacy depends on representative annotated datasets,which are challenging to obtain due to the costly imaging of nanoparticles andthe labor-intensive nature of manual annotations. To overcome theselimitations, we introduce DiffRenderGAN, a novel generative model designed toproduce annotated synthetic data. By integrating a differentiable renderer intoa Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) framework, DiffRenderGAN optimizestextural rendering parameters to generate realistic, annotated nanoparticleimages from non-annotated real microscopy images. This approach reduces theneed for manual intervention and enhances segmentation performance compared toexisting synthetic data methods by generating diverse and realistic data.Tested on multiple ion and electron microscopy cases, including titaniumdioxide (TiO$_2$), silicon dioxide (SiO$_2$)), and silver nanowires (AgNW),DiffRenderGAN bridges the gap between synthetic and real data, advancing thequantification and understanding of complex nanomaterial systems.


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