Rolling Ahead Diffusion for Traffic Scene Simulation

  • 2025-02-13 18:45:56
  • Yunpeng Liu, Matthew Niedoba, William Harvey, Adam Scibior, Berend Zwartsenberg, Frank Wood
  • 0


Realistic driving simulation requires that NPCs not only mimic naturaldriving behaviors but also react to the behavior of other simulated agents.Recent developments in diffusion-based scenario generation focus on creatingdiverse and realistic traffic scenarios by jointly modelling the motion of allthe agents in the scene. However, these traffic scenarios do not react when themotion of agents deviates from their modelled trajectories. For example, theego-agent can be controlled by a stand along motion planner. To producereactive scenarios with joint scenario models, the model must regenerate thescenario at each timestep based on new observations in a Model PredictiveControl (MPC) fashion. Although reactive, this method is time-consuming, as onecomplete possible future for all NPCs is generated per simulation step.Alternatively, one can utilize an autoregressive model (AR) to predict only theimmediate next-step future for all NPCs. Although faster, this method lacks thecapability for advanced planning. We present a rolling diffusion based trafficscene generation model which mixes the benefits of both methods by predictingthe next step future and simultaneously predicting partially noised furtherfuture steps at the same time. We show that such model is efficient compared todiffusion model based AR, achieving a beneficial compromise between reactivityand computational efficiency.


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