Human-LLM Coevolution: Evidence from Academic Writing

  • 2025-02-13 18:55:56
  • Mingmeng Geng, Roberto Trotta
  • 0


With a statistical analysis of arXiv paper abstracts, we report a marked dropin the frequency of several words previously identified as overused by ChatGPT,such as "delve", starting soon after they were pointed out in early 2024. Thefrequency of certain other words favored by ChatGPT, such as "significant", hasinstead kept increasing. These phenomena suggest that some authors of academicpapers have adapted their use of large language models (LLMs), for example, byselecting outputs or applying modifications to the LLM-generated content. Suchcoevolution and cooperation of humans and LLMs thus introduce additionalchallenges to the detection of machine-generated text in real-world scenarios.Estimating the impact of LLMs on academic writing by examining word frequencyremains feasible, and more attention should be paid to words that were alreadyfrequently employed, including those that have decreased in frequency.


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