Building A Unified AI-centric Language System: analysis, framework and future work

  • 2025-02-06 20:32:57
  • Edward Hong Wang, Cynthia Xin Wen
  • 0


Recent advancements in large language models have demonstrated that extendedinference through techniques can markedly improve performance, yet these gainscome with increased computational costs and the propagation of inherent biasesfound in natural languages. This paper explores the design of a unifiedAI-centric language system that addresses these challenges by offering a moreconcise, unambiguous, and computationally efficient alternative to traditionalhuman languages. We analyze the limitations of natural language such as genderbias, morphological irregularities, and contextual ambiguities and examine howthese issues are exacerbated within current Transformer architectures, whereredundant attention heads and token inefficiencies prevail. Drawing on insightsfrom emergent artificial communication systems and constructed languages likeEsperanto and Lojban, we propose a framework that translates diverse naturallanguage inputs into a streamlined AI-friendly language, enabling moreefficient model training and inference while reducing memory footprints.Finally, we outline a pathway for empirical validation through controlledexperiments, paving the way for a universal interchange format that couldrevolutionize AI-to-AI and human-to-AI interactions by enhancing clarity,fairness, and overall performance.


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