SoNIC: Safe Social Navigation with Adaptive Conformal Inference and Constrained Reinforcement Learning

  • 2025-02-06 18:55:45
  • Jianpeng Yao, Xiaopan Zhang, Yu Xia, Zejin Wang, Amit K. Roy-Chowdhury, Jiachen Li
  • 0


Reinforcement learning (RL) enables social robots to generate trajectorieswithout relying on human-designed rules or interventions, making it generallymore effective than rule-based systems in adapting to complex, dynamicreal-world scenarios. However, social navigation is a safety-critical task thatrequires robots to avoid collisions with pedestrians, whereas existing RL-basedsolutions often fall short of ensuring safety in complex environments. In thispaper, we propose SoNIC, which to the best of our knowledge is the firstalgorithm that integrates adaptive conformal inference (ACI) with constrainedreinforcement learning (CRL) to enable safe policy learning for socialnavigation. Specifically, our method not only augments RL observations withACI-generated nonconformity scores, which inform the agent of the quantifieduncertainty but also employs these uncertainty estimates to effectively guidethe behaviors of RL agents by using constrained reinforcement learning. Thisintegration regulates the behaviors of RL agents and enables them to handlesafety-critical situations. On the standard CrowdNav benchmark, our methodachieves a success rate of 96.93%, which is 11.67% higher than the previousstate-of-the-art RL method and results in 4.5 times fewer collisions and 2.8times fewer intrusions to ground-truth human future trajectories as well asenhanced robustness in out-of-distribution scenarios. To further validate ourapproach, we deploy our algorithm on a real robot by developing a ROS2-basednavigation system. Our experiments demonstrate that the system can generaterobust and socially polite decision-making when interacting with both sparseand dense crowds. The video demos can be found on our project website:


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