Explainability by Parsing: Neural Module Tree Networks for Natural Language Visual Grounding

  • 2018-12-08 11:04:34
  • Daqing Liu, Hanwang Zhang, Zheng-Jun Zha, Feng Wu
  • 2


Grounding natural language in images essentially requires composite visualreasoning. However, existing methods over-simplify the composite nature oflanguage into a monolithic sentence embedding or a coarse composition ofsubject-predicate-object triplet. They might perform well on short phrases, butgenerally fail in longer sentences, mainly due to the over-fitting to certainvision-language bias. In this paper, we propose to ground natural language inan intuitive, explainable, and composite fashion as it should be. Inparticular, we develop a novel modular network called Neural Module Treenetwork (NMTree) that regularizes the visual grounding along the dependencyparsing tree of the sentence, where each node is a module network thatcalculates or accumulates the grounding score in a bottom-up direction where asneeded. NMTree disentangles the visual grounding from the composite reasoning,allowing the former to only focus on primitive and easy-to-generalize patterns.To reduce the impact of parsing errors, we train the modules and their assemblyend-to-end by using the Gumbel-Softmax approximation and its straight-throughgradient estimator, accounting for the discrete process of module selection.Overall, the proposed NMTree not only consistently outperforms thestate-of-the-arts on several benchmarks and tasks, but also shows explainablereasoning in grounding score calculation. Therefore, NMTree shows a gooddirection in closing the gap between explainability and performance.


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