A Comprehensive Survey of Reinforcement Learning: From Algorithms to Practical Challenges

  • 2025-02-01 23:49:26
  • Majid Ghasemi, Amir Hossein Moosavi, Dariush Ebrahimi
  • 0


Reinforcement Learning (RL) has emerged as a powerful paradigm in ArtificialIntelligence (AI), enabling agents to learn optimal behaviors throughinteractions with their environments. Drawing from the foundations of trial anderror, RL equips agents to make informed decisions through feedback in the formof rewards or penalties. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of RL,meticulously analyzing a wide range of algorithms, from foundational tabularmethods to advanced Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) techniques. We categorizeand evaluate these algorithms based on key criteria such as scalability, sampleefficiency, and suitability. We compare the methods in the form of theirstrengths and weaknesses in diverse settings. Additionally, we offer practicalinsights into the selection and implementation of RL algorithms, addressingcommon challenges like convergence, stability, and the exploration-exploitationdilemma. This paper serves as a comprehensive reference for researchers andpractitioners aiming to harness the full potential of RL in solving complex,real-world problems.


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