Expensive multi-objective optimization problems (EMOPs) are common inreal-world scenarios where evaluating objective functions is costly andinvolves extensive computations or physical experiments. Current Pareto setlearning methods for such problems often rely on surrogate models like Gaussianprocesses to approximate the objective functions. These surrogate models canbecome fragmented, resulting in numerous small uncertain regions betweenexplored solutions. When using acquisition functions such as the LowerConfidence Bound (LCB), these uncertain regions can turn into pseudo-localoptima, complicating the search for globally optimal solutions. To addressthese challenges, we propose a novel approach called SVH-PSL, which integratesStein Variational Gradient Descent (SVGD) with Hypernetworks for efficientPareto set learning. Our method addresses the issues of fragmented surrogatemodels and pseudo-local optima by collectively moving particles in a mannerthat smooths out the solution space. The particles interact with each otherthrough a kernel function, which helps maintain diversity and encourages theexploration of underexplored regions. This kernel-based interaction preventsparticles from clustering around pseudo-local optima and promotes convergencetowards globally optimal solutions. Our approach aims to establish robustrelationships between trade-off reference vectors and their corresponding truePareto solutions, overcoming the limitations of existing methods. Throughextensive experiments across both synthetic and real-world MOO benchmarks, wedemonstrate that SVH-PSL significantly improves the quality of the learnedPareto set, offering a promising solution for expensive multi-objectiveoptimization problems.