Cross-lingual Named Entity Recognition (NER) leverages knowledge transferbetween languages to identify and classify named entities, making itparticularly useful for low-resource languages. We show that the data-basedcross-lingual transfer method is an effective technique for crosslingual NERand can outperform multilingual language models for low-resource languages.This paper introduces two key enhancements to the annotation projection step incross-lingual NER for low-resource languages. First, we explore refining wordalignments using back-translation to improve accuracy. Second, we present anovel formalized projection approach of matching source entities with extractedtarget candidates. Through extensive experiments on two datasets spanning 57languages, we demonstrated that our approach surpasses existing projectionbasedmethods in low-resource settings. These findings highlight the robustness ofprojection-based data transfer as an alternative to model-based methods forcrosslingual named entity recognition in lowresource languages.