SARATR-X: Toward Building A Foundation Model for SAR Target Recognition

  • 2025-01-22 04:06:29
  • Weijie Li, Wei Yang, Yuenan Hou, Li Liu, Yongxiang Liu, Xiang Li
  • 0


Despite the remarkable progress in synthetic aperture radar automatic targetrecognition (SAR ATR), recent efforts have concentrated on detecting andclassifying a specific category, e.g., vehicles, ships, airplanes, orbuildings. One of the fundamental limitations of the top-performing SAR ATRmethods is that the learning paradigm is supervised, task-specific,limited-category, closed-world learning, which depends on massive amounts ofaccurately annotated samples that are expensively labeled by expert SARanalysts and have limited generalization capability and scalability. In thiswork, we make the first attempt towards building a foundation model for SARATR, termed SARATR-X. SARATR-X learns generalizable representations viaself-supervised learning (SSL) and provides a cornerstone for label-efficientmodel adaptation to generic SAR target detection and classification tasks.Specifically, SARATR-X is trained on 0.18 M unlabelled SAR target samples,which are curated by combining contemporary benchmarks and constitute thelargest publicly available dataset till now. Considering the characteristics ofSAR images, a backbone tailored for SAR ATR is carefully designed, and atwo-step SSL method endowed with multi-scale gradient features was applied toensure the feature diversity and model scalability of SARATR-X. Thecapabilities of SARATR-X are evaluated on classification under few-shot androbustness settings and detection across various categories and scenes, andimpressive performance is achieved, often competitive with or even superior toprior fully supervised, semi-supervised, or self-supervised algorithms. OurSARATR-X and the curated dataset are released at to foster research into foundationmodels for SAR image interpretation.


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