PointOBB-v3: Expanding Performance Boundaries of Single Point-Supervised Oriented Object Detection

  • 2025-01-23 18:18:15
  • Peiyuan Zhang, Junwei Luo, Xue Yang, Yi Yu, Qingyun Li, Yue Zhou, Xiaosong Jia, Xudong Lu, Jingdong Chen, Xiang Li, Junchi Yan, Yansheng Li
  • 0


With the growing demand for oriented object detection (OOD), recent studieson point-supervised OOD have attracted significant interest. In this paper, wepropose PointOBB-v3, a stronger single point-supervised OOD framework. Comparedto existing methods, it generates pseudo rotated boxes without additionalpriors and incorporates support for the end-to-end paradigm. PointOBB-v3functions by integrating three unique image views: the original view, a resizedview, and a rotated/flipped (rot/flp) view. Based on the views, a scaleaugmentation module and an angle acquisition module are constructed. In thefirst module, a Scale-Sensitive Consistency (SSC) loss and a Scale-SensitiveFeature Fusion (SSFF) module are introduced to improve the model's ability toestimate object scale. To achieve precise angle predictions, the second moduleemploys symmetry-based self-supervised learning. Additionally, we introduce anend-to-end version that eliminates the pseudo-label generation process byintegrating a detector branch and introduces an Instance-Aware Weighting (IAW)strategy to focus on high-quality predictions. We conducted extensiveexperiments on the DIOR-R, DOTA-v1.0/v1.5/v2.0, FAIR1M, STAR, and RSARdatasets. Across all these datasets, our method achieves an average improvementin accuracy of 3.56% in comparison to previous state-of-the-art methods. Thecode will be available at https://github.com/ZpyWHU/PointOBB-v3.


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