Group-Agent Reinforcement Learning with Heterogeneous Agents

  • 2025-01-21 01:56:33
  • Kaiyue Wu, Xiao-Jun Zeng, Tingting Mu
  • 0


Group-agent reinforcement learning (GARL) is a newly arising learningscenario, where multiple reinforcement learning agents study together in agroup, sharing knowledge in an asynchronous fashion. The goal is to improve thelearning performance of each individual agent. Under a more generalheterogeneous setting where different agents learn using different algorithms,we advance GARL by designing novel and effective group-learning mechanisms.They guide the agents on whether and how to learn from action choices from theothers, and allow the agents to adopt available policy and value functionmodels sent by another agent if they perform better. We have conductedextensive experiments on a total of 43 different Atari 2600 games todemonstrate the superior performance of the proposed method. After the grouplearning, among the 129 agents examined, 96% are able to achieve a learningspeed-up, and 72% are able to learn over 100 times faster. Also, around 41% ofthose agents have achieved a higher accumulated reward score by learning inless than 5% of the time steps required by a single agent when learning on itsown.


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