Evolving Deeper LLM Thinking

  • 2025-01-17 00:41:44
  • Kuang-Huei Lee, Ian Fischer, Yueh-Hua Wu, Dave Marwood, Shumeet Baluja, Dale Schuurmans, Xinyun Chen
  • 0


We explore an evolutionary search strategy for scaling inference time computein Large Language Models. The proposed approach, Mind Evolution, uses alanguage model to generate, recombine and refine candidate responses. Theproposed approach avoids the need to formalize the underlying inference problemwhenever a solution evaluator is available. Controlling for inference cost, wefind that Mind Evolution significantly outperforms other inference strategiessuch as Best-of-N and Sequential Revision in natural language planning tasks.In the TravelPlanner and Natural Plan benchmarks, Mind Evolution solves morethan 98% of the problem instances using Gemini 1.5 Pro without the use of aformal solver.


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