Recent advances in wireless technologies have given rise to the emergence ofvehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs). In such networks, the limited coverage ofWiFi and the high mobility of the nodes generate frequent topology changes andnetwork fragmentations. For these reasons, and taking into account that thereis no central manager entity, routing packets through the network is achallenging task. Therefore, offering an efficient routing strategy is crucialto the deployment of VANETs. This paper deals with the optimal parametersetting of the optimized link state routing (OLSR), which is a well-knownmobile ad hoc network routing protocol, by defining an optimization problem.This way, a series of representative metaheuristic algorithms (particle swarmoptimization, differential evolution, genetic algorithm, and simulatedannealing) are studied in this paper to find automatically optimalconfigurations of this routing protocol. In addition, a set of realistic VANETscenarios (based in the city of M\'alaga) have been defined to accuratelyevaluate the performance of the network under our automatic OLSR. In theexperiments, our tuned OLSR configurations result in better quality of service(QoS) than the standard request for comments (RFC 3626), as well as severalhuman experts, making it amenable for utilization in VANET configurations.