Using Machine Learning to Discover Parsimonious and Physically-Interpretable Representations of Catchment-Scale Rainfall-Runoff Dynamics

  • 2025-01-16 18:48:36
  • Yuan-Heng Wang, Hoshin V. Gupta
  • 0


Despite the excellent real-world predictive performance of modern machinelearning (ML) methods, many scientists remain hesitant to discard traditionalphysical-conceptual (PC) approaches due mainly to their relativeinterpretability, which contributes to credibility during decision-making. Inthis context, a currently underexplored aspect of ML is how to developminimally-optimal representations that can facilitate better insight regardingsystem functioning. Regardless of how this is achieved, it is arguably truethat parsimonious representations better support the advancement of scientificunderstanding. Our own view is that ML-based modeling of geoscientific systemsshould be based in the use of computational units that are fundamentallyinterpretable by design. This paper continues our exploration of how the strengths of ML can beexploited in the service of better understanding via scientific investigation.Here, we use the Mass Conserving Perceptron (MCP) as the fundamentalcomputational unit in a generic network architecture consisting of nodesarranged in series and parallel to explore several generic and important issuesrelated to the use of observational data for constructing input-state-outputmodels of dynamical systems. In the context of lumped catchment modeling, weshow that physical interpretability and excellent predictive performance canboth be achieved using a relatively parsimonious distributed-statemultiple-flow-path network with context-dependent gating and informationsharing across the nodes, suggesting that MCP-based modeling can play asignificant role in application of ML to geoscientific investigation.


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