A Reinforcement Learning Approach to Quiet and Safe UAM Traffic Management

  • 2025-01-15 16:44:35
  • Surya Murthy, John-Paul Clarke, Ufuk Topcu, Zhenyu Gao
  • 0


Urban air mobility (UAM) is a transformative system that operates varioussmall aerial vehicles in urban environments to reshape urban transportation.However, integrating UAM into existing urban environments presents a variety ofcomplex challenges. Recent analyses of UAM's operational constraints highlightaircraft noise and system safety as key hurdles to UAM system implementation.Future UAM air traffic management schemes must ensure that the system is bothquiet and safe. We propose a multi-agent reinforcement learning approach tomanage UAM traffic, aiming at both vertical separation assurance and noisemitigation. Through extensive training, the reinforcement learning agent learnsto balance the two primary objectives by employing altitude adjustments in amulti-layer UAM network. The results reveal the tradeoffs among noise impact,traffic congestion, and separation. Overall, our findings demonstrate thepotential of reinforcement learning in mitigating UAM's noise impact whilemaintaining safe separation using altitude adjustments


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