Acquiring face images of sufficiently high quality is important for online IDand travel document issuance applications using face recognition systems (FRS).Low-quality, manipulated (intentionally or unintentionally), or distortedimages degrade the FRS performance and facilitate documents' misuse. Securingquality for enrolment images, especially in the unsupervised self-enrolmentscenario via a smartphone, becomes important to assure FRS performance. In thiswork, we focus on the less studied area of radial distortion (a.k.a., thefish-eye effect) in face images and its impact on FRS performance. We introducean effective radial distortion detection model that can detect and flag radialdistortion in the enrolment scenario. We formalize the detection model as aface image quality assessment (FIQA) algorithm and provide a careful inspectionof the effect of radial distortion on FRS performance. Evaluation results showexcellent detection results for the proposed models, and the study on theimpact on FRS uncovers valuable insights into how to best use these models inoperational systems.