Recent research shows that emotions can enhance users' cognition andinfluence information communication. While research on visual emotion analysisis extensive, limited work has been done on helping users generate emotionallyrich image content. Existing work on emotional image generation relies ondiscrete emotion categories, making it challenging to capture complex andsubtle emotional nuances accurately. Additionally, these methods struggle tocontrol the specific content of generated images based on text prompts. In thiswork, we introduce the new task of continuous emotional image contentgeneration (C-EICG) and present EmotiCrafter, an emotional image generationmodel that generates images based on text prompts and Valence-Arousal values.Specifically, we propose a novel emotion-embedding mapping network that embedsValence-Arousal values into textual features, enabling the capture of specificemotions in alignment with intended input prompts. Additionally, we introduce aloss function to enhance emotion expression. The experimental results show thatour method effectively generates images representing specific emotions with thedesired content and outperforms existing techniques.