Probabilities-Informed Machine Learning

  • 2025-01-09 18:44:52
  • Mohsen Rashki
  • 0


Machine learning (ML) has emerged as a powerful tool for tackling complexregression and classification tasks, yet its success often hinges on thequality of training data. This study introduces an ML paradigm inspired bydomain knowledge of the structure of output function, akin to physics-informedML, but rooted in probabilistic principles rather than physical laws. Theproposed approach integrates the probabilistic structure of the target variable(such as its cumulative distribution function) into the training process. Thisprobabilistic information is obtained from historical data or estimated usingstructural reliability methods during experimental design. By embeddingdomain-specific probabilistic insights into the learning process, the techniqueenhances model accuracy and mitigates risks of overfitting and underfitting.Applications in regression, image denoising, and classification demonstrate theapproach's effectiveness in addressing real-world problems.


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