The success of social media platforms has facilitated the emergence ofvarious forms of online abuse within digital communities. This abuse manifestsin multiple ways, including hate speech, cyberbullying, emotional abuse,grooming, and sexting. In this paper, we present a comprehensive analysis ofthe different forms of abuse prevalent in social media, with a particular focuson how emerging technologies, such as Language Models (LMs) and Large LanguageModels (LLMs), are reshaping both the detection and generation of abusivecontent within these networks. We delve into the mechanisms through whichsocial media abuse is perpetuated, exploring the psychological and socialimpact. Additionally, we examine the dual role of advanced languagemodels-highlighting their potential to enhance automated detection systems forabusive behavior while also acknowledging their capacity to generate harmfulcontent. This paper aims to contribute to the ongoing discourse on onlinesafety and ethics, offering insights into the evolving landscape of cyberabuseand the technological innovations that both mitigate and exacerbate it.