ContextMRI: Enhancing Compressed Sensing MRI through Metadata Conditioning

  • 2025-01-09 01:58:41
  • Hyungjin Chung, Dohun Lee, Zihui Wu, Byung-Hoon Kim, Katherine L. Bouman, Jong Chul Ye
  • 0


Compressed sensing MRI seeks to accelerate MRI acquisition processes bysampling fewer k-space measurements and then reconstructing the missing dataalgorithmically. The success of these approaches often relies on strong priorsor learned statistical models. While recent diffusion model-based priors haveshown great potential, previous methods typically ignore clinically availablemetadata (e.g. patient demographics, imaging parameters, slice-specificinformation). In practice, metadata contains meaningful cues about the anatomyand acquisition protocol, suggesting it could further constrain thereconstruction problem. In this work, we propose ContextMRI, a text-conditioneddiffusion model for MRI that integrates granular metadata into thereconstruction process. We train a pixel-space diffusion model directly onminimally processed, complex-valued MRI images. During inference, metadata isconverted into a structured text prompt and fed to the model via CLIP textembeddings. By conditioning the prior on metadata, we unlock more accuratereconstructions and show consistent gains across multiple datasets,acceleration factors, and undersampling patterns. Our experiments demonstratethat increasing the fidelity of metadata, ranging from slice location andcontrast to patient age, sex, and pathology, systematically boostsreconstruction performance. This work highlights the untapped potential ofleveraging clinical context for inverse problems and opens a new direction formetadata-driven MRI reconstruction.


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