This paper leverages machine learning algorithms to forecast and analyzefinancial time series. The process begins with a denoising autoencoder tofilter out random noise fluctuations from the main contract price data. Then,one-dimensional convolution reduces the dimensionality of the filtered data andextracts key information. The filtered and dimensionality-reduced price data isfed into a GANs network, and its output serve as input of a fully connectednetwork. Through cross-validation, a model is trained to capture features thatprecede large price fluctuations. The model predicts the likelihood anddirection of significant price changes in real-time price sequences, placingtrades at moments of high prediction accuracy. Empirical results demonstratethat using autoencoders and convolution to filter and denoise financial data,combined with GANs, achieves a certain level of predictive performance,validating the capabilities of machine learning algorithms to discoverunderlying patterns in financial sequences. Keywords - CNN;GANs;Cryptocurrency; Prediction.