Recently, a novel paradigm has been proposed for reinforcement learning-basedNAS agents, that revolves around the incremental improvement of a givenarchitecture. We assess the abilities of such reinforcement learning agents totransfer between different tasks. We perform our evaluation using theTrans-NASBench-101 benchmark, and consider the efficacy of the transferredagents, as well as how quickly they can be trained. We find that pretraining anagent on one task benefits the performance of the agent in another task in allbut 1 task when considering final performance. We also show that the trainingprocedure for an agent can be shortened significantly by pretraining it onanother task. Our results indicate that these effects occur regardless of thesource or target task, although they are more pronounced for some tasks thanfor others. Our results show that transfer learning can be an effective tool inmitigating the computational cost of the initial training procedure forreinforcement learning-based NAS agents.