Move and Act: Enhanced Object Manipulation and Background Integrity for Image Editing

  • 2024-12-12 08:28:20
  • Pengfei Jiang, Mingbao Lin, Fei Chao
  • 0


Current methods commonly utilize three-branch structures of inversion,reconstruction, and editing, to tackle consistent image editing task. However,these methods lack control over the generation position of the edited objectand have issues with background preservation. To overcome these limitations, wepropose a tuning-free method with only two branches: inversion and editing.This approach allows users to simultaneously edit the object's action andcontrol the generation position of the edited object. Additionally, it achievesimproved background preservation. Specifically, we transfer the edited objectinformation to the target area and repair or preserve the background of otherareas during the inversion process at a specific time step. In the editingstage, we use the image features in self-attention to query the key and valueof the corresponding time step in the inversion to achieve consistent imageediting. Impressive image editing results and quantitative evaluationdemonstrate the effectiveness of our method. The code is available at


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