Generative large language models (LLMs), which create text without directcorrespondence to truth value, are widely understood to resemble the uses oflanguage described in Frankfurt's popular monograph On Bullshit. In this paper,we offer a rigorous investigation of this topic, identifying how the phenomenonhas arisen, and how it might be analysed. In this paper, we elaborate on thisargument to propose that LLM-based chatbots play the 'language game ofbullshit'. We use statistical text analysis to investigate the features of thisWittgensteinian language game, based on a dataset constructed to contrast thelanguage of 1,000 scientific publications with typical pseudo-scientific textgenerated by ChatGPT. We then explore whether the same language features can bedetected in two well-known contexts of social dysfunction: George Orwell'scritique of politics and language, and David Graeber's characterisation ofbullshit jobs. Using simple hypothesis-testing methods, we demonstrate that astatistical model of the language of bullshit can reliably relate theFrankfurtian artificial bullshit of ChatGPT to the political and workplacefunctions of bullshit as observed in natural human language.