Predicting User Intents and Musical Attributes from Music Discovery Conversations

  • 2024-11-19 05:58:22
  • Daeyong Kwon, SeungHeon Doh, Juhan Nam
  • 0


Intent classification is a text understanding task that identifies user needsfrom input text queries. While intent classification has been extensivelystudied in various domains, it has not received much attention in the musicdomain. In this paper, we investigate intent classification models for musicdiscovery conversation, focusing on pre-trained language models. Rather thanonly predicting functional needs: intent classification, we also include a taskfor classifying musical needs: musical attribute classification. Additionally,we propose a method of concatenating previous chat history with justsingle-turn user queries in the input text, allowing the model to understandthe overall conversation context better. Our proposed model significantlyimproves the F1 score for both user intent and musical attributeclassification, and surpasses the zero-shot and few-shot performance of thepretrained Llama 3 model.


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