In recent years, imitation learning using neural networks has enabled robotsto perform flexible tasks. However, since neural networks operate in afeedforward structure, they do not possess a mechanism to compensate for outputerrors. To address this limitation, we developed a feedback mechanism tocorrect these errors. By employing a hierarchical structure for neural networkscomprising lower and upper layers, the lower layer was controlled to follow theupper layer. Additionally, using a multi-layer perceptron in the lower layer,which lacks an internal state, enhanced the error feedback. In thecharacter-writing task, this model demonstrated improved accuracy in writingpreviously untrained characters. In the character-writing task, this modeldemonstrated improved accuracy in writing previously untrained characters.Through autonomous control with error feedback, we confirmed that the lowerlayer could effectively track the output of the upper layer. This studyrepresents a promising step toward integrating neural networks with controltheories.