Image shadow removal is a typical low-level vision problem, where thepresence of shadows leads to abrupt changes in brightness in certain regions,affecting the accuracy of upstream tasks. Current shadow removal methods stillface challenges such as residual boundary artifacts, and capturing featureinformation at shadow boundaries is crucial for removing shadows andeliminating residual boundary artifacts. Recently, Mamba has achievedremarkable success in computer vision by globally modeling long-sequenceinformation with linear complexity. However, when applied to image shadowremoval, the original Mamba scanning method overlooks the semantic continuityof shadow boundaries as well as the continuity of semantics within the sameregion. Based on the unique characteristics of shadow images, this paperproposes a novel selective scanning method called boundary-region selectivescanning. This method scans boundary regions, shadow regions, and non-shadowregions independently, bringing pixels of the same region type closer togetherin the long sequence, especially focusing on the local information at theboundaries, which is crucial for shadow removal. This method combines withglobal scanning and channel scanning to jointly accomplish the shadow removal.We name our model ShadowMamba, the first Mamba-based model for shadow removal.Extensive experimental results show that our method outperforms currentstate-of-the-art models across most metrics on multiple datasets. The code forShadowMamba is available at (Code will be released upon acceptance).