Large Language Models (LLMs) have revolutionized software engineering (SE),showcasing remarkable proficiency in various coding tasks. Despite recentadvancements that have enabled the creation of autonomous software agentsutilizing LLMs for end-to-end development tasks, these systems are typicallydesigned for specific SE functions. We introduce HyperAgent, an innovativegeneralist multi-agent system designed to tackle a wide range of SE tasksacross different programming languages by mimicking the workflows of humandevelopers. HyperAgent features four specialized agents-Planner, Navigator,Code Editor, and Executor-capable of handling the entire lifecycle of SE tasks,from initial planning to final verification. HyperAgent sets new benchmarks indiverse SE tasks, including GitHub issue resolution on the renowned SWE-Benchbenchmark, outperforming robust baselines. Furthermore, HyperAgent demonstratesexceptional performance in repository-level code generation (RepoExec) andfault localization and program repair (Defects4J), often surpassingstate-of-the-art baselines.