On filter design in deep convolutional neural network

  • 2024-10-30 05:18:59
  • Gaurav Hirani, Waleed Abdulla
  • 0


The deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) in computer vision has givenpromising results. It is widely applied in many areas, from medicine,agriculture, self-driving car, biometric system, and almost all computervision-based applications. Filters or weights are the critical elementsresponsible for learning in DCNN. Backpropagation has been the primary learningalgorithm for DCNN and provides promising results, but the size and numbers ofthe filters remain hyper-parameters. Various studies have been done in the lastdecade on semi-supervised, self-supervised, and unsupervised methods and theirproperties. The effects of filter initialization, size-shape selection, and thenumber of filters on learning and optimization have not been investigated in aseparate publication to collate all the options. Such attributes are oftentreated as hyper-parameters and lack mathematical understanding. Computervision algorithms have many limitations in real-life applications, andunderstanding the learning process is essential to have some significantimprovement. To the best of our knowledge, no separate investigation has beenpublished discussing the filters; this is our primary motivation. This studyfocuses on arguments for choosing specific physical parameters of filters,initialization, and learning technic over scattered methods. The promisingunsupervised approaches have been evaluated. Additionally, the limitations,current challenges, and future scope have been discussed in this paper.


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