Data scarcity in low-resource languages can be addressed with word-to-wordtranslations from labeled task data in high-resource languages using bilinguallexicons. However, bilingual lexicons often have limited lexical overlap withtask data, which results in poor translation coverage and lexicon utilization.We propose lexicon-conditioned data generation LexC-Gen, a method thatgenerates low-resource-language classification task data at scale.Specifically, LexC-Gen first uses high-resource-language words from bilinguallexicons to generate lexicon-compatible task data, and then it translates theminto low-resource languages with bilingual lexicons via word translation.Across 17 extremely low-resource languages, LexC-Gen generated data iscompetitive with expert-translated gold data, and yields on average 5.6 and 8.9points improvement over existing lexicon-based word translation methods onsentiment analysis and topic classification tasks respectively. Throughablation study, we show that conditioning on bilingual lexicons is the keycomponent of LexC-Gen. LexC-Gen serves as a potential solution to close theperformance gap between open-source multilingual models, such as BLOOMZ andAya-101, and state-of-the-art commercial models like GPT-4o onlow-resource-language tasks.