A Pipeline for Segmenting and Structuring RGB-D Data for Robotics Applications

  • 2024-10-23 17:01:31
  • Zhiwu Zheng, Lauren Mentzer, Berk Iskender, Michael Price, Colm Prendergast, Audren Cloitre
  • 0


We introduce a novel pipeline for segmenting and structuring color and depth(RGB-D) data. Existing processing pipelines for RGB-D data have focused onextracting geometric information alone. This approach precludes the developmentof more advanced robotic navigation and manipulation algorithms, which benefitfrom a semantic understanding of their environment. Our pipeline can segmentRGB-D data into accurate semantic masks. These masks are then used to fuse rawcaptured point clouds into semantically separated point clouds. We store thisinformation using the Universal Scene Description (USD) file format, a formatsuitable for easy querying by downstream robotics algorithms, human-friendlyvisualization, and robotics simulation.


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