Revisiting Deep Feature Reconstruction for Logical and Structural Industrial Anomaly Detection

  • 2024-10-21 18:56:47
  • Sukanya Patra, Souhaib Ben Taieb
  • 0


Industrial anomaly detection is crucial for quality control and predictivemaintenance, but it presents challenges due to limited training data, diverseanomaly types, and external factors that alter object appearances. Existingmethods commonly detect structural anomalies, such as dents and scratches, byleveraging multi-scale features from image patches extracted through deeppre-trained networks. However, significant memory and computational demandsoften limit their practical application. Additionally, detecting logicalanomalies-such as images with missing or excess elements-requires anunderstanding of spatial relationships that traditional patch-based methodsfail to capture. In this work, we address these limitations by focusing on DeepFeature Reconstruction (DFR), a memory- and compute-efficient approach fordetecting structural anomalies. We further enhance DFR into a unifiedframework, called ULSAD, which is capable of detecting both structural andlogical anomalies. Specifically, we refine the DFR training objective toimprove performance in structural anomaly detection, while introducing anattention-based loss mechanism using a global autoencoder-like network tohandle logical anomaly detection. Our empirical evaluation across fivebenchmark datasets demonstrates the performance of ULSAD in detecting andlocalizing both structural and logical anomalies, outperforming eightstate-of-the-art methods. An extensive ablation study further highlights thecontribution of each component to the overall performance improvement. Our codeis available at


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