FrugalNeRF: Fast Convergence for Few-shot Novel View Synthesis without Learned Priors

  • 2024-10-21 18:59:53
  • Chin-Yang Lin, Chung-Ho Wu, Chang-Han Yeh, Shih-Han Yen, Cheng Sun, Yu-Lun Liu
  • 0


Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) face significant challenges in few-shotscenarios, primarily due to overfitting and long training times forhigh-fidelity rendering. Existing methods, such as FreeNeRF and SparseNeRF, usefrequency regularization or pre-trained priors but struggle with complexscheduling and bias. We introduce FrugalNeRF, a novel few-shot NeRF frameworkthat leverages weight-sharing voxels across multiple scales to efficientlyrepresent scene details. Our key contribution is a cross-scale geometricadaptation scheme that selects pseudo ground truth depth based on reprojectionerrors across scales. This guides training without relying on externallylearned priors, enabling full utilization of the training data. It can alsointegrate pre-trained priors, enhancing quality without slowing convergence.Experiments on LLFF, DTU, and RealEstate-10K show that FrugalNeRF outperformsother few-shot NeRF methods while significantly reducing training time, makingit a practical solution for efficient and accurate 3D scene reconstruction.


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