Language Models as Semiotic Machines: Reconceptualizing AI Language Systems through Structuralist and Post-Structuralist Theories of Language

  • 2024-10-16 22:45:54
  • Elad Vromen
  • 0


This paper proposes a novel framework for understanding large language models(LLMs) by reconceptualizing them as semiotic machines rather than as imitationsof human cognition. Drawing from structuralist and post-structuralist theoriesof language-specifically the works of Ferdinand de Saussure and JacquesDerrida-I argue that LLMs should be understood as models of language itself,aligning with Derrida's concept of 'writing' (l'ecriture). The paper isstructured into three parts. First, I lay the theoretical groundwork byexplaining how the word2vec embedding algorithm operates within Saussure'sframework of language as a relational system of signs. Second, I applyDerrida's critique of Saussure to position 'writing' as the object modeled byLLMs, offering a view of the machine's 'mind' as a statistical approximation ofsign behavior. Finally, the third section addresses how modern LLMs reflectpost-structuralist notions of unfixed meaning, arguing that the "next tokengeneration" mechanism effectively captures the dynamic nature of meaning. Byreconceptualizing LLMs as semiotic machines rather than cognitive models, thisframework provides an alternative lens through which to assess the strengthsand limitations of LLMs, offering new avenues for future research.


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