Synthetic Augmentation for Anatomical Landmark Localization using DDPMs

  • 2024-10-17 09:03:34
  • Arnela Hadzic, Lea Bogensperger, Simon Johannes Joham, Martin Urschler
  • 0


Deep learning techniques for anatomical landmark localization (ALL) haveshown great success, but their reliance on large annotated datasets remains aproblem due to the tedious and costly nature of medical data acquisition andannotation. While traditional data augmentation, variational autoencoders(VAEs), and generative adversarial networks (GANs) have already been used tosynthetically expand medical datasets, diffusion-based generative models haverecently started to gain attention for their ability to generate high-qualitysynthetic images. In this study, we explore the use of denoising diffusionprobabilistic models (DDPMs) for generating medical images and theircorresponding heatmaps of landmarks to enhance the training of a superviseddeep learning model for ALL. Our novel approach involves a DDPM with a2-channel input, incorporating both the original medical image and its heatmapof annotated landmarks. We also propose a novel way to assess the quality ofthe generated images using a Markov Random Field (MRF) model for landmarkmatching and a Statistical Shape Model (SSM) to check landmark plausibility,before we evaluate the DDPM-augmented dataset in the context of an ALL taskinvolving hand X-Rays.


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